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Marian Anderson


Publicity materials from Hurok Concerts are extensive and complete for most years. These include press releases, press kits, posters, photographs, and souvenir program books. They document Hurok's tremendous success in promoting Marian Anderson. Anderson recorded for RCA Victor throughout her career and RCA's publicity materials form part of this series. There are fewer materials from Concert Management Arthur Judson. Newspaper clippings, arranged chronologically, document much of her public life. These materials also are found in the series of scrapbooks, some compiled by Hurok Concerts, Inc., some compiled by family and friends, and some compiled by fans. Researchers should be aware that some correspondence and photographs are mounted in scrapbooks and not indexed.

You can see a full listing of the contents of the Marian Anderson Papers and the Supplementary Papers
by using Penn's Finding Aids and you can download a PDF version of the entire listing.
Finding Aid for Scrapbooks

You can see downloadable images for each item and its accompanying bibliographic data in the Library's new Colenda repository.
Digital Images of Scrapbooks