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Marian Anderson

Notebooks, Diaries and Journals

Marian Anderson's personal journals, diaries, and notebooks were kept primarily for the purpose of recording itineraries and expenses for income tax purposes, although some of them were used to record Anderson's impressions as she toured. While very open to people whom she met and with whom she talked, Marian Anderson was not inclined to write about her personal feelings or to analyze some of the issues, including race, about which she constantly was asked. In general, Anderson's letters to her family members are a better source for her thoughts and reactions to the events of her life than are her journals.

You can see a full listing of the contents of the Marian Anderson Papers and the Supplementary Papers
by using Penn's Finding Aids and you can download a PDF version of the entire listing.
Finding Aid for Notebooks, Diaries, Journals

You can see downloadable images for each item and its accompanying bibliographic data in the Library's new Colenda repository.
Digital Images of Notebooks, Diaries, Journals
